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The Sun

Our local star

Solar Images

Image from a wobbly video made with a HANDHELD video camera during the total solar eclipse on August 11th 1999
Just shows the power of using video for astroimaging . Processed September 2002

Solar Eclipse Aug 11th 1999 video capture

First acceptable solar image taken with the Astrovid2000 with a zoom (70-210mm) lens and teleconverter x2 , using a homemade solar made from the Baader solar filter material .

A very spotty Sun on February 26 , 2000 .

The image is somewhat over processed in order to increase the visibility of the sunspots . It is possible to get an inkling of a facula at the upper left corner near the limb .

Only a full disk image was taken this time , later some telescopic images will come .
The image was stacked and combined with Robert Stekelenburg´s AstroStack  , a freeware program you can find on his Homepage , then processed in Photoshop . Finally the image was reduced to half size .

Next test of Solar images gave better results . The images were made with a 80mm F7 refractor and the Astrovid 2000 provided with a Hydrogen Alpha filter - NOT a Solar Prominence filter , simply a "nebula filter" ,
recorded to a DV recorder .

Two AVI movies were fed into AstroStack (28 images each) , then processed in Photoshop , simple Level setting and Brightness/Contrast , followed by a modest amount of Unsharp Mask , then reduced to half size .

Sunspots , 20-05-2000 approximately 1800UTC .
80mm F7 refractor , prime focus ,
Astrovid 2000 , Hydrogen Alpha filter .
Mosaic of 2 images .
The limb darkening as well as a bit of faculae (near the limb) is visible on this image  .
The result is much better than the first attempt due to better adjustment of the monitor of the recorder .
The H-alpha-filter seems to reduce seeing problems as well as improve the contrast of the sunspots .

a string of sunspots ....

New images recorded 10-07-2000 about 1800 UTC. Through some tiny gaps in the evening clouds I was taking a look at the sun and saw an awful lot of them . Setting up my refractor with the astrovid I got about 10 minutes of video with about half a minute usable footage .Three images came from this adventure before the sun disappeared bhind a tree as well as the clouds .

Sunspot group 10-07-2000 about 1800 UTC
80mm refractor @ F14 (using a Barlow x2)
Astrovid 2000 video camera
Hydrogen-Alpha filter with 10nm bandpass
A single video frame was used .
Only image processing was a histogram stretch .

Sunspot group 10-07-2000 about 1800 UTC
80mm refractor @ F14 (using a Barlow x2)
Astrovid 2000 video camera
Hydrogen-Alpha filter with 10nm bandpass
A single video frame was used .
Only image processing was a histogram stretch .

A string of sunspots ....
80mm refractor @ F14 (using a Barlow x2)
Astrovid 2000 video camera
Hydrogen-Alpha filter with 10nm bandpass
A single video frame was used .
Only image processing was a histogram stretch .

Spot69 @1630Z

Sunspot group No 69 (10069) on August 17th 2002 @ 1630Z .
80mm refracxtor @ F14
Astrovid 2000 video camera
Wideband (10 nm) H-Alpha filter
Processed in IRIS with Wavelet and Unsharp Mask filtering
Processed in Photoshop with Unsharp Mask and Levels .

Since only single video frames are used and due to the attenuation of the relatively narrow filter the images shown here are somewhat noisy (grainy) . When the time comes The plan is to make a mylar solar filter with less attenuation for Astrovid imaging only .
I just could not resist such a display despite the dismal conditions , and I think the last image in particular was worth the effort .

AstroStack is an excellent  program for stacking video frames , the stacking time for 128 frames was about 20-25 minutes , with Photoshop it would have taken me more than 2 hours just for the stacking . In addition the program has provision for Unsharp Masking and Deconvolution routines . Though the program has some limitations  it is such a time saver , and it has my best recommendation .
Solar X-rays: status
Geomagnetic Field: kpstatus

From n3kl.org

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Last update 21 January 2006 by Jan Andersen.
Background image : Video image of the Pleiades
Top caption : Lunar Eclipse 21-01-2000